Thursday, February 25, 2016

Exciting Year of Activities Scheduled for the Stark Carroll Oil & Gas Partnership

Now that 2016 is here, it promises to be an exciting year for the Stark Carroll Oil & Gas Partnership.

It will all kick off at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 28, when we host our 2016 Draft Day Experience at the McKinley Grand Hotel in Canton. We expect a big crowd to come out and watch the excitement and drama of the NFL Draft unfold, plus enjoy great refreshments, trivia contests, football-themed memorabilia up for bids—and the company of several retired NFL players (including former Browns Don Cockroft, Hanford Dixon, and Felix Wright) who will be in attendance! Even better, the proceeds from the event will go toward the planned Legends Landing, a planned residence for retired Gold Jackets, NFL alumni and fans at the Pro Football Hall of Fame Village in Canton.

More information will be announced on our website,, on our Facebook page, and in our e-newsletter, “Drill Bits.” We want to express our appreciation to the Pro Football Hall of Fame for their participation in this event, and to Ullico for their early sponsorship commitment. If you’d like to participate as a sponsor of the Draft Day Experience, call (330) 451-6207 or visit our website for details.

Speaking of Facebook, if you haven’t liked our Partnership page, please be sure to do so. We share regular updates about the oil and gas industry, along with information about our events. Go to and like our page to stay up-to-date.

The same is true for our “Drill Bits” e-newsletter. Back issues are available under the “News” link on our website, Or you can be added to our email list by calling (330) 451-6207.

Our Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinees Roundtable Reception was a big hit last August, and plans are underway for a repeat of this popular event this summer. We’ll also be back with our Shale Shoot and Utica Conference in the fall, plus more events and activities to help promote the oil and gas industry in Stark and Carroll counties. Keep up with all of our news and events on our website, Facebook page and in our “Drill Bits” e-newsletter.

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Oil and Gas Industry’s Silver Lining

With all the gloom and doom in the news about the oil and gas industry, why would anyone remain optimistic about the future of drilling and exploration in the Utica Shale?

stark-carroll-county-oil-gasBecause the oil and gas industry remains important to the State of Ohio and it citizens, for one. Rhonda Reda, executive director of the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Program, said this an article in Ohio Gas & Oil magazine: “Ohio’s oil and gas industry has been producing crude oil and natural gas from various geological formations beneath our feet for more than 150 years. The past several years have also brought many new companies, jobs and innovations to Ohio’s industry, leading to unprecedented and record energy production levels. As a result, Ohioans are intertwined with the state’s oil and gas industry more than ever before.”

Beyond driving down gas prices at the pump—a fact that Americans are noticing across the country—shale gas development in recent years is poised to produce a boom in petrochemical and plastics manufacturing, according to an article by John Funk that appeared in the Nov. 21, 2015 edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Funk writing about a Cleveland State University study, reported that it examined “the extraordinary productivity of the wells developed so far, the capacity of the processing plants and pipelines, both those in service and those on the drawing boards, and the most likely rate of additional wells being drilled and gas production over the next five years.”

Much of the shale play under Ohio and West Virginia “produces not just methane but propane, butane and ethane, a trio of hydrocarbons called ‘natural gas liquids’ or NGLs,” he wrote.

Continuing, Funk reported that the study “projects that by 2020, the region—Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia—will have such a surplus of ethane, which must be separated from methane before natural gas can be used as a fuel, that it will only make economic sense to build ethane refineries here rather than try to ship the volatile ethane to crackers on the Gulf Coast.”

As pointed out in the article, economist Iryna Lendel said that while most people tend to focus only on production, “they forget that we should be focusing on downstream development—on manufacturing, because manufacturing creates permanent jobs that require skills and pay well.”

As we shared in an article last November, those jobs are coming to Northeast Ohio—more than 2,000 during the construction of three natural gas-fired power plants in Carrollton, Lordstown and Yellow Creek Township, which is located in Columbiana County.

Tough times come along in any industry from time to time, but the ability to weather those storms and look for the silver lining in an otherwise cloudy forecast provides a vision for what the future truly has in store. And the future for Ohio, and the role the oil and gas industry will play in its economic resurgence, remains strong.

This article appeared in the February issue of ShaleMart magazine