Wednesday, October 21, 2015

First 25 to Join Between Now and Nov. 5 Receive Two Free Utica Conference Tickets

Here's a tremendous opportunity to join the Stark Carroll Oil & Gas Partnership AND be a part of our Utica Conference next month.

If you're one of the first 25 to take advantage of our prorated membership offer and pay just $150 for the balance of 2015-16, we'll include two free admissions to our Utica Conference and Reception/Buffet Dinner on Thursday, Nov. 5 at Atwood Lake Resort in Sherrodsville!

Annual membership in the partnership is regularly $250. Members are eligible for numerous benefits, including discounts on Partnership events, our bi-weekly e-newsletter, marketing support, member-to-member discounts, directory listing and free job opening listings on, a directory listing on, advertising discounts on, and more!

The value of the free admissions to the Utica Conference is $150 (2 at $75 apiece), so if you join now and are one of the first 25 to do so, you'll have paid for your 2015-16 membership right there! Either way, as the list of benefits shows, membership in the partnership is a great investment.

Through education and advocacy programs, plus regular networking events, the Stark Carroll Oil & Gas Partnership continues to promote understanding of the oil and gas industry, the implementation of oil and gas extraction efforts that are environmentally responsible, and the use of local labor in the development, extraction and processing of oil and natural gas. In that effort, we've formed an effective alliance with local governments, chambers of commerce, labor groups, educational institutions, development groups and employment organizations. 

You can help promote our efforts and the development of oil and gas in the region by joining the Partnership today!

Click here for complete information on how to join.

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