It will all begin Thursday morning with the First Annual Shale Shoot. Registration will take place from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at Atwood Lake Resort in Sherrodsville. Participants will make the short drive over to Upland Valley Sporting Clays in Carrollton for a cookout-style lunch at 11 a.m. The sporting clays championship event will begin at 12 noon and will feature long shot and top shooter contests, as well as raffle prizes.
The Utica Conference will take place in the afternoon at Atwood Lake Resort. Conference registration will begin at 2:30 p.m., with the Utica Conference (featuring a full slate of speakers discussing the current state of the Utica play) to take place from 3 to 5 p.m. A reception, featuring an open bar and full buffet, will follow at 5:30 p.m.
during the evening Reception will be David Baker, president and CEO of the Pro
Football Hall of Fame, and State Sen. Lou Gentile.
for the Utica Conference include: Chris Terajewicz of Advanced Power; Griffin
Goetz of Ullico Retirement Solutions; Mike Jacoby of the Appalachian
Partnership for Economic Growth; and Mike Chadsey of the Ohio Oil & Gas
Through Oct. 31, early registration for the entire day (shoot and conference) is just $150 per person; for the morning Shale Shoot only, $100 per person; and for the afternoon Utica Conference only, $75 per person. (Prices will increase to $200, $150 and $100, respectively, on Nov. 1.)
Sponsorships for this unique event are also available. For complete details or to pay for registrations or sponsorships, visit the Shale Shoot page on the Stark Carroll Oil & Gas Partnership website.